God has given us a plan

We are all equal

we are all god’s children


Ahn nyeong ha se yo, Ahoj, Aloha, Assalamou Alykoum, Adaab, Aw gbien, A yubowen, Barev, Bimaio, Bog, Bok, Boke, Bonjour, Buna, Buon Giorno, Bula Vinaka, Bures, Cho demo, Choni, Chum reap suor, Degemer mad, Dia duit, Drut, Dobar dan, Dobre rano, Dumella Rah, Dzien Dobry, Dobriy Den, Gamardjoba, Goeie dei, Guachumana, Hafa, Haja, Halito, Hallo, Halo, Hola, Ha’u, Hei, Hello, Hej, Jambo, Jo napot, Kaixo, Kalimera, Kamusta, Khamma ghani sa, Kia orano, Kii te daas, Koali, Konnichiwa, Kuzu-zangpo, Kwe Kwe, Laba diena, Lakwe, Li-do, Li ho, Mambo, Mau-soong-kha, Merhaba, Mingalibar, Moin, Namaskara, Namaste, Nano toka, Nay ho, Nazdar, Ni Hao, Ola, Oh see yoh, Parev, Privet, Saalam Alekum, Sabaidee, Sain bainu uu, Salve, Saluton, Sata sri akala, Sawubana, Sawa dee krap, Selam, Selamat datang, Shalom, Sveika, Tashi delek, Tere, Tel nido, Tungjatjeta, Tung, U-ho, Vanakkam, Wai, Whaa Gwaan, Witaj, Xaipee, Xin chao, Ya at eeh, Yia sou, Yubowan, Zdrasti, Zdraveite , Zdravo, Zivjo

DIFY Religion, was founded in 2016. The Book Of DIFY was written in 2018 and DIFY Charity was launched in 2022. This site was created in 2025 and from that point the religion was made public.

Where and how do you begin when God, fills you with a light that nearly picks you up off of the floor and at the same instant tells you that He wants you to begin a new religion that will transcend all borders and religions and will change the world.

Now, I don’t expect you to believe me right off the top when I tell you that this is exactly what God told me, but please, read through this entire site before you make up your mind and draw any conclusions about me. There is an overwhelming amount of evidence and a list of witnesses including, news stories and newspaper articles and several recordings to support my claims.

So, do not judge or dismiss me too quickly, because, if there is even the slightest possibility that I am telling the truth and God, actually did speak to me and actually did leave me the blueprints for a new universal, secular religion that will change the world. Then don’t you owe it to all of humanity, yourself and to God, to hear me out?

Needless to say, if you’re still reading this, then there is a pretty good chance that I can guess what you are saying to yourself, “oh okay, another crackpot, somebody who thinks they are Jesus Christ, a real nut-case with delusions of grandeur”. Believe me, there was a time not so long ago that I too would have had those exact same thoughts about someone who claimed that God, had spoken to them.

Up until my epiphany, I probably wouldn’t have believed anyone who said that they had heard the voice of God, either. To start with, I wasn’t too sure that God even existed and secondly, I would have thought that anyone who had honestly believed that they heard the voice of that God was certifiable, so I can fully understand your skepticism.

You can choose to believe me or not, this is your prerogative. But, I am positive that I would pass any psychological or polygraph test that is available today. I welcome and plan to eventually take both of these tests. I do look forward to proving that I am both mentally stable and am not delusional and am telling the truth.

The plain and simple truth is this, that God is real and has left me a task that I can no longer avoid or run from. Even the fact that I have written a book seems almost like a miracle to me now. After all, when I think back to the very beginning, in the days directly after my awakening on that Christmas morning of 2016, when I was completely overwhelmed and I had absolutely no clue of where or how to begin. The very thought of writing a book was incomprehensible to me and seemed about a billion miles away at first. At that point in time, I didn’t even know of anyone who had ever regularly attended church.

So, each and every step that I have taken to get to this point all appeared to be next to impossible to me in the beginning. It has been a long slow journey for me and after having taken many tiny baby steps and perhaps even a couple of wrong turns along the way. I believe that both myself and the world are at the place we need to be and l am ready to leap forward with both feet. The time has come to let the world know exactly what God, had said to me and the blueprint that He has left for us all, not only for the present but also for the near and the distant future.

I can assure you that I did not ask God, to bestow this blessing or sometimes I wonder if it may be a curse. To be perfectly honest I often feel that I would have preferred that God, hadn’t chosen me in the first place. The thought of facing all the ridicule, the hate and ultimately what will more than likely be my own murder does not appeal to me at all. And like any sane person I would much rather live for a long time, than to have my life snuffed out prematurely.

Those are a few of the reasons and a large part of why I had been dragging my feet in getting the book and the new website completed and then finally coming out on various social media platforms to spread my testimony. There are also a couple of other reasons why I have been dragging my heels, the first of which is the simple fact that I am extremely camera shy.